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バイオジオメトリー は1970年にエジプトの建築家であり科学者であるイブラヒム・カリム博士により設立されました。バイオジオメトリーは、形のエネルギー原理(形状、数、色、動き、音)を使用して、生物学的エネルギーシステムの質的なバランスを取り、環境との相互作用を調和させる特許取得済みの科学です。

バイオジオメトリー 環境ソリューション (BG-EHS) は、その導入が様々な強い環境ストレスの状況下にも拘らず実際に起きたストレスの減少、免疫機能の改善など 生体電気活動のバランスに強くリンクしていることを示す数十年にわたる科学的研究の客観的かつ定量的な発見に基づいています。




バイオジオメトリー は、バランスの取れた幾何学的形状と振動エネルギーパターンの中心に見られる自然共鳴調和エネルギー品質の構成(“BG3”と呼ばれる)の発見に基づいた応用自然科学です。



バイオジオメトリー は、医学的診断や治療の一形態ではありません。これは証拠に基づいたソリューション指向の全体論的環境科学であり、すべての主張は科学的研究結果の範囲にのみ基づいています。よって、いかなる状況においても、バイオジオメトリー 製品は専門的な医療に取って代わる物ではありません。

バイオジオメトリー 環境ホームソリューション(BG-EHS)の概要

バイオジオメトリー 環境ホームソリューション(BG-EHS)は、バイオジオメトリー のコアアプリケーションです。「住居中心」のBG-EHSアプローチは、私たちと家の環境とのエネルギッシュな相互接続関係が私たちの生活の質と幸福に不可欠であると考えます。バイオジオメトリー 環境ホームソリューションは、エネルギー品質のバランシングソリューションで電磁波、ジオパシー、建築資材、及び設計と構造による形状に起因するエネルギー障害によって引き起こされる環境ストレスを調和させる事により家のエネルギー環境を幾何学的に強化します。

バイオジオメトリー 環境ホームソリューション(BG-EHS)は、提供されるサービスのレベルに応じて、家のすべての領域にわたり、特定のキャリブレーション(波動調整)を施されたバイオジオメトリー 形状物とツールを基本的に配置します。透明なプレキシガラスで出来ているバイオジオメトリー 形状物とツールはサイズが小さく、あらゆる居住空間と家のデザインに目立たずシームレスに収まるように設計されており、メンテナンスは必要ありません。

現場でのエネルギー品質測定は、バイオジオメトリー 振子と言う独自のシステムの測定ツールと共に、科学的微小振動調和原理、特定の幾何学的構成、およびアンテナ理論に基づいた技術を使い行われ、それら全体で構造化された調和バイオフィードバック機器としての役目を果たし、バイオジオメトリー 環境ソリューション器具設置のガイドになります。よって、このエネルギー品質の測定システムは、精神的なダウジングや占いに振り子を使用する他のモダリティとは大きく異なります。

BG-EHSプラクティショナー及びアソシエイトプラクティショナーは、既存の住宅にBG-EHSサービスを提供するために、バイオジオメトリー 協会によりトレーニングされ免許を受け、独立した業者として公式のバイオジオメトリー ツールと方法論、技術サポートと継続教育にアクセスできる唯一の資格を保持しています。

平本和夫とメリーエンジェルは、東京を拠点とする、独立したバイオジオメトリー 公認のBG-EHSプラクティショナーです。























家で使用されている建築資材のバランス 。.



BioGeometry Environmental Home Solutions Services

BioGeometry Environmental Home Solutions (BG-EHS) is based on the objective and quantitative findings of decades of scientific research showing that the introduction of BioGeometry environmental solutions is strongly linked to the balancing of bioelectrical activity, reduction of physiological stress markers, improved quality-of-life indicators, and improved immune function within biological systems, across various high environmental stress conditions.

A home should be an oasis for rest, healing, and growth. However, there is growing evidence that our modern home environments are more harmful to our wellbeing than ever before. We are becoming more and more disconnected from the natural energy dynamics of health and wellbeing in our insulated artificial environments. As open vibratory energy systems, we are engaged in constant resonant harmonic energy exchange with our environments, where we are overwhelmed with disruptive energy dynamics from various sources of environmental stress.

Everything is energy, and energy is not isolated in specific rates of vibration / frequencies, but rather, it is interconnected across resonant harmonic “energy-quality” relationships. This is similar to the resonant harmonic relationships that connect individual strings / frequencies on a piano to give the energy-quality effect of musical notes. These energy connections are based on naturally occurring resonant harmonic relationships from the shapes of the waves / rates of pulsation, across the infinite energy spectrum that includes electromagnetic and longitudinal compression waves (audible and inaudible sound waves) energy. When these energy-qualities are balanced relative to a defined central key, they are harmonious and have a measurable positive effect. This applies to all forms of energy in our environments (electromagnetic, materials, earth radiation, structure / design, and water) resulting in environmental energy-quality patterns that, if out of balance, have an overall dissonant or disruptive effect.

BioGeometry is an applied natural science, based on the discovery of the configuration (termed “BG3”) of the natural resonant harmonic energy-quality found in the centers of balanced geometric shapes and vibratory energy patterns.

BioGeometry research and development replicates that configuration in shapes and designs that, when introduced into an environment, increase the resonant harmonic connections of vibratory energy patterns with their natural central energy keys, for a more energy-quality balanced / harmonized environment.

There is no symbolism or belief system in the research and design of BioGeometry shapes and methodologies. This is an applied premise that is continuously being put to scientific research to objectively study and quantitatively measure energy quality balancing effects on biological systems, using standard quantitative scientific metrics.

BioGeometry is not a form of medical diagnosis or treatment. It is an evidence-based and solution-oriented holistic environmental science, with all claims solely based on the extent of the scientific research findings. Under no circumstances should BioGeometry products replace professional medical treatment.

BioGeometry Environmental Home Solutions (BG-EHS) are a core application of BioGeometry. The “home-centric” BG-EHS approach recognizes that our energetic interconnectivity with our home environments is an integral part of our quality-of-life and wellbeing. BioGeometry environmental home solutions geometrically enhance home environments with energy-quality balancing solutions to harmonize environmental stress caused by electromagnetic, geopathic, materials, and shape-caused disturbances from design and structure.

The BG-EHS service is based on the specific calibration and placement of BioGeometry shapes and tools across all areas of the home, depending on the level of service provided. The clear plexi-glass BioGeometry shapes and tools are small in size and are designed to fit seamlessly within any living space and home design, and do not require any maintenance. The on-site energy-quality measurements are conducted using a proprietary system of pendular BioGeometry measurement tools and techniques that are based on scientific micro-vibratory harmonics principles, specific geometric configurations and antenna theories, and are used as structured harmonic biofeedback instruments to guide the installation of the BioGeometry solutions. This energy-quality measurement system is very different from any other modalities that use pendulums for mental dowsing or divination.

BG-EHS Practitioners & Associate-Practitioners are the only persons trained and licensed, with access to official BioGeometry tools and methodologies, as well as technical support and continuing education, to offer BG-EHS services for existing residential homes, as independent licensees / business persons.

Kazuo Hiramoto and Merry Angel are Independent Licensed BioGeometry Home Practitioners based in Tokyo, Japan.

BG-EHS Introductory Consultation may be arranged to implement partial BG-EHS applications from the Essential level, and generally focus on specific living areas in the home. 

From ¥30,000 depending on the size of the home and the number of shapes and tools needed.

BG-EHS Essential Level Service is the first full level of BG-EHS service, and is based primarily on a centralized BG3 Centers Solution application to provide environmental energy-quality balance for the entire home.   A layer of supporting specific solutions is also applied across the main environmental areas of electromagnetic radiation, building materials, geopathic stress (Earth radiation), structure / design elements, and water vitality enhancement. 

From ¥150,000 depending on the size of the home and the number of shapes and tools needed.

BG-EHS Core Level Service   builds on the Essential level with additional centralized solutions that are reinforced with multiple layers of specific solutions, especially with regards to geopathic stress (Earth radiation).

From ¥300,000 depending on the size of the home and the number of shapes and tools needed.

We are happy to answer any questions or enquiries by e-mail or over the phone and will provide an estimate prior to providing any services. We look forward to hearing from you.

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